ApplicationXtender Mass Email Utility

  • Message Options

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Message Options

The Message Options panel allows you to set what the e-mail message will contain

when sent.  This includes the Subject and Message

Body.  These two fields allow you to set a specific message

to the person who is recieving the e-mail.

Under these fields, you have the choice of using Outlook or a

SMTP Server to use to send the messages. If you choose to use Outlook

then all e-mail messages sent from this application will be sent using the

default Outlook email account setup on the computer that is running this


If you choose to use a SMTP Server then you will need to supply

some additional information. This includes:

Server - This is the name or IP address of the SMTP server that

will be used to send the messages. This field is required.

User Name - This is the username that you where assigned when

your SMTP account was activated. This may be required in order to send the

message. Please check with your e-mail service provider or network

administrator for more information on this.

Password - This is the password that you where assigned when

your SMTP account was activated. This may be required in order to send the

message. Please check with your e-mail service provider or network

administrator for more information on this.

From E-Mail Address - This is the e-mail address that the

messages will be sent from, or appear to be sent from to the e-mail recepients.

This field is required.


File Naming Scheme

Whether you are using SMTP or the Outlook method of sending the documents, you

need to supply a File Naming Scheme. This scheme can use any

of the variables found below, along  with the

variables listed here.  If you do not supply a file

naming scheme, the files will be named Page 1, Page 2, etc...

Note: When you are using the Database or ApplicationXtender

field variables, only the first value returned for the defined field will be


File Naming Variables: 

<%Page:?%> - This will show the page number of the

document. The ? should be a number that represents the padding

size for this value. For example, "Page <%Page:2%>" will

return filenames similar to Page 01, Page 02.



You are allowed to use two types of variables in the Subject,

Message or File Naming Scheme  fields. 

These include:

width="672" border="0">

<%D:????%>This allows you to enter the fields value

from one of the database fields that are contained in the table that you get

the e-mail address from.  For example, if you have a field in your

database that is named FirstName and contains the first name

of the person recieving the e-mail, you can enter something like <%D:FirstName%>

- Your Statement for the subject of the message.  The person

would then see somthing like John - Your Statement when they

recieve the message.

<%A:????%>This is similar to the above variable, however it will use

a field from the ApplicationXtender document that is currently being

e-mailed as its value.

<%Date:?????%>This will be replaced with the current date, formatted

based on the format specification used in replacement of ??????

For example, if you use <%Date:mm-dd-yyyy%> it will be

replaced with the date formatted similar to 01/30/2005.

<%Time:?????%>This will be replaced with the current time, formatted

based on the format specification used in replacement of ??????

For example, if you use <%Time:hh:mm:ss tt%> it will be

replaced with the time formatted like 1:35:02 PM.


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Updated: 11/12/2011